#StopAsianHate CAA Townhall – 10AM

Register @ amplify.caa.com/AAPI #StopAsianHate CAA Confronting Anti-Asian Racism Town Hall The rise in attacks and hate crimes against Asians is both highly concerning and deeply personal to me. I hope...

Virtual * Business4Business Think Tank

This event is completely free. Please visit the site or email Joan De Souza joan@joandesouza.com   to get added to the B4B database for all future events. Joan De Souza www.business4business.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joandesouzathinktank LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/joandesouza...

Virtual * Business4Business Think Tank

This event is completely free. Please visit the site or email Joan De Souza joan@joandesouza.com   to get added to the B4B database for all future events. Joan De Souza www.business4business.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joandesouzathinktank LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/joandesouza...

Rotary Club of San Marino – REMEMBERING MEMORIAL DAY

Club Meeting: REMEMBERING MEMORIAL DAY ID=77505774 (4) Speaker: Wendy and Garret Glazier, former Marines Description: Wendy Glazier, a San Marino resident and former Commander in the United States Navy, will be...

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